Hall Of Fame

IYASA would never be complete without these amazing Hall Of Famers

Name: Patience Dube
Nick Name: None
Year of Joining IYASA: 2023
D.O.B: 17 September 2007

"I was inspired by Aunty Nyasha Dziruni’s performance on stage. She made me want to pursue art."

Favorite Part of Being a Member of Iyasa:

One of my favorite moments has been the continuous lessons on dance and music. I enjoy learning from our seniors and director, as it is something I love to do

What to Expect from Patie

As a new member, I have gone through all the vital lessons to become a well-packaged artist. People can expect amazing performances from me

Name:Princess Sibanda
Nickname: None
BOB: 25 June 2004
Year of joining IYASA: 28 April 2023

I was inspired by watching Iyasa videos on YouTube and Facebook. I used to copy their moves and routines, especially the acts. I have always wanted to be part of the arts industry since I was at school

Favorite Part of Being a Member of Iyasa

I have learned discipline, focus, and the power of teamwork from being a member of Iyasa. These are things that I lacked a few years ago. It has had a profound influence on my life.

What to Expect from Princess

I have acquired new skills in music, dance, and singing. I hope to showcase all my hidden talents and make people enjoy my performances.

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